here it is... 6:23 am. what the hell am i doing up? falling asleep was a nightmare of stiff necks, twisted backs, restless legs and even more restless mind. eventually coaxed myself to sleep around 2 am, listening to a lois lowry audiobook, lying flat on my back with a pillow bunched under the base of my skull and my hands tucked into my armpits. woke up thrashing in the blankets at 5:45. ah well, let's look on the bright side. i got to see the sun rise... oh wait, no i didn't, it's too absurdly foggy and gloomy. that wasn't a very good job of bright-siding. in any case i did go to the roof with pekoe and stand around blinking into the mist for a while, which i suppose was poetic in it's own, foggy way. now i'm eating granola on my bed, slurping sanani and wishing i'd had the forethought to go partake of breakfast at boulange to reward myself for being up so early and for a change of scenery from these 4 walls. oh well, i really can't afford to eat out, maybe i'll go have, like, tea there later. anyway, here's my view of the (lack of) sunrise:

siiiigh. dammit, san francisco.