My camera is lost in the wilds of my life somewhere... it's amazing how not having the ability to take photos to illustrate my thoughts derails my timely blog-updating. Everything I've been doing requires pictorial accompaniment. In words only form: APE was AWESOME. I met a lot of amazing artists, sold some stuff, had the coolest table-mate ever (lots of maniacal giggling and drawing was involved)...I LOVE seeing my work on actual, living, walking people... it's extremely gratifying. I also got the COOLEST $10 piece of art... which of course I'm DYING to put a damn picture of up, but NOOOOO... in any case it's a doodle of Death with a party hat and a cupcake and a speech bubble with a heart! Clearly this artist and I are on a cosmic cute-death trip. My new mission is to collect all cute deaths I find... they will be mine.
The My Trick Pony show went well; again, great to see my creatures going out into the world. Nearly everyone I know in the city showed up, too, so it was pretty much a cheap-wine fun-fest of bawdy, mouthy peet's types... I love you kids.
Ironside is eating all my time. It's much more gratifying work, but is a real 40+ hour/week job, which changes my art-making time. The good news is that I work 9-5 like a "normal" person... now I just have to learn to motivate myself to paint and make between 6 and 10 pm instead of lying in a heap refusing to do anything. Really though, I ain't complaining. Job feeds me, provides me a phone, lets me set my schedule, and the owners and chef are beyond cool...what a relief.
Pekoe is buried in a heap of blankets on the bed, grumbling and growling at some hapless canine walking by outside. As I type this, I have a steady soundtrack of "rrrghhhRRRrrRRRRrrhhhhRHrhrghhhh....."
And the newest excitement! I'm joining ranks with the amazing folk of Swankety Swank on Divis. (in NOOOPA... oooOooh...) I'll be selling various, um, stuff! And if you've been paying attention, you know that's a lot of ... stuff. I discovered Swankety Swank and Yabette, the fabulous proprietress, in one of those completely serendipitous moments, which, in my experience, is usually San Francisco's way of telling me something. I had a very poignant moment with a construction sign once...
Sans my camera, I leave you with a few photos from my crappy camera phone...