Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bourbon and Chocolate MIlk

I've been, once again, lax in my virtual life. Laaa di da. Renegade Craft Fair is coming up, so I've been trying to pull together some last minute nonsense for that. I also had a grand train of thought to expound on, but then my friends careened in reeking of sun and expensive booze, and derailed the whole damn thing.

the basics:

work work work

think dream consider ponder sleep

when is the right time to let go and just jump?

Here's some things for you to look at.

New Promo Banner.

New Postcard. Yes, I did some clever reusing.

New Shirt! Note: Do not take model shots at 4 am after goth dancing all night.


New stuff is up at
should you desire to check it out...