I'm having trouble balancing my internet selves. I see people keep up with these beautifully written blog posts and I just think, "damn! I'm just not that interesting inside!" Anyway, I'm a little better with ye ol' facebook (less commitment, i think), so please feel free to be a "fan" (haw!) over here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/pixiebird/106053035720
Renegade was a ball of stress but turned out well: here's my lone photo!

Emma is the best booth babe, and I got to sort of awkwardly avoid taking credit for her work. Our stuff is just similar enough that no one can tell whose is whose, so she'd go for a walk and I'd be fielding this exchange:
them: your work is BEAUTIFUL!
me: um, yes, it is! But it's not mine, mine is over here...but Emma is AMAZING! YES!
them: OH! Oops, I mean, yours is beautiful too!
me: Oh it's ok! I didn't mean you should, oh, um, you don't have to... oh hell.
so that was that. but it was good and worth it none the less.
speaking of blog envy, i spent a bit of time on the "elephant" site today. It's sort of huge and daunting, so i couldn't really definitively describe it, but it comes from boulder and reminds me of my dear home town and all that, so... anyway i encountered some lovely writing, but instead of inspiring me, it just made me blue. clearly i'm a cranky curmudgeon today, which is TRUE!!! but
after reading that for a while it just seems that everyone in that world has it figured out. And they have money. And they are all trim yoga-fabulous. And zenner than thou. And probably sleep on bamboo-rice beds or something. And generally having a better time than me while looking fanTAStic and spreading joy in the dance of energetic love or something. I love that place, and I love a lot of that energy and "commuuuuuunity" and all, but it's only after leaving that I begin to return to it. Only now that I stop rolling my eyes and studying Buddhism myself. I don't really have a point here.
aaaaand HERE'S some stuff I've listed on Etsy! Huzzah!

What else? I'm starting to hate my job and get that itchy feeling again. Veering between hope and excitement and CRUSHING RAGE AND DOOOOOM! Food service will do that. Trying to maintain a positive outlook while coping with the fact that I am inherently kinda surly. But a good cook! Hope you are all well out there in internet land.