Working on a tattoo design for Lisa. Here's ze sketch... fantastique, non?
I think I may kill the flowers. Anyway.

The Chillin' Productions Holiday shindig was pretty amazing, except I never know what to do in those situations. I feel an overwhelming pressure to make PROGRESS. NETWORK. ADVANCE CAREER. But I don't know who the hell anyone is and they don't know me from every other San Francisco chick in a dress and shit-kicker boots. And I am NOT a friendly-in-crowds type... more a stand in a corner until I can politely get the hell out type. So I wasn't really sure what to do with myself and walked in circles a lot. BUT. There was some seriously awesome work. Also some seriously stunted, overpriced, smeared-out-of-the-tube shit. Ah well. AND I may have sold a piece to the owner of 111 Minna, which would be, in truth, pretty awesome. Not to mention that the piece in question is a self-portrait, so I shall hang in his house and STARE AT HIM until he realizes how PROFOUNDLY AWESOME I am, and that his gallery simply MUST have my work!
My plan cannot fail!
That is what I did today.