THIS is what happens when you forget to post for a while... the amount of stuff to show and tell is too daunting and you damn-near give up. it's like when an old high school pal shows up on facebook and says "OMG what's up how ARE you?" and you think "i adore this person (or not) and would love to reconnect but how the FUCK can i condense 10 years into a convenient sound bite that won't a: take me all day or b: drive me mad in the retelling"...and then pretty soon you're in a corner singing to yourself and hiding from the demon beast that is facebook. but i digress.
what the hell have i been up to?
Lots of emotional ups and downs... love and stress and all those pesky big-life-questions. Corporate coffee (did i mention i work for corporate coffee?) gets increasingly corporate... to the point that i am transferring stores, which is a little like trading in a Pontiac for a Buick, but it's worth a shot.
what the hell have i been up to?
Lots of emotional ups and downs... love and stress and all those pesky big-life-questions. Corporate coffee (did i mention i work for corporate coffee?) gets increasingly corporate... to the point that i am transferring stores, which is a little like trading in a Pontiac for a Buick, but it's worth a shot.
I am apparently (because I applied, really, but i never expected to get accepted) to be exhibiting at APE this year. EEK! terrror! guess it's time to MAKE something for that soon. Details to follow as soon as i stop hyperventilating.
I have a show at My Trick Pony in SF this October... I'm October's featured designer... ooooooooohhhhh! So 10 or so of my designs will be available for purchase printed on your choice of luxurious t-shirt... I think it's local only to SF though, so if anyone is actually reading this and wants one, let me know and i'll make it happen. I'll post the designs in full soon. For now, here's my favorites:

I'm still painting, but that's on the proverbial back burner for now. My roomate-nigh-unto-brother Evan recently purchased a mannequin for our humble abode. At first I thought the idea was creepy... but then he brought home DOLORES (although her name keeps changing depending on Evan's mood... she's Dolores to me.) She's elderly, her paint is cracked, and she's only got one arm (well, technically she has two, but they're both left arms so only one fits on her body... so she's got oned arm and we have a disembodied arm holding some fruit in our kitchen)...but we love her. She stands in the corner of our hallway and scares visitors with her 6-foot presence of aloof, 1-armed hotness. Nothing phases Dolores.

And i'll be designing some logos for the most-fabulous GlitterGirl of Temple of Poi fame soon. If i like them i'll show them to you.
Oh, and lovely Cynthia linked to me on her blog! I have never met her, but I love her forever.
Check it, and her, out!
How is it possible that i am so busy and yet so broke?
There's them pesky life-questions again.
Okay i think i covered most of it. i can come out of my corner and get back on facebook again.
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