Capsule was grand fun, despite alternately burning me to a crisp, freezing me to a shivering mess, and attempting to blow everything away. I kid you not. I felt stupid for not having a cool pop-up canopy until one got blown over and snapped like a cheap toy. The skeleton was left to it's inglorious fate in the alley like a defeated future-monster.
DESPITE was tons of fun. I met a few fantastic people, including a really sweet Blue-Bottle barista and a kid who'd seen my work at Lower Haters but couldn't buy the shirt he wanted 'cause they didn't have it in his size...but I did! Me to the rescue! If you've stumbled to my page of occasional ranting as a result of the fair, hello and welcome! My etsy store is looking mighty lonely these days, but it's next on my list to work on getting things up on it, so please check back occasionally. Also my site itself. It's soon to be updated, and the store feature should be generally disregarded, as stock has changed so much--please don't try to buy anything off it.
I'm off to bake some comfort-food bread now. yep.
Did you sell the little robot man original? I really wanted to get him. I was lacking cash at the fair. =(