Halloweeeeen! I love and adore Halloween, but I will admit it always gives me a case of the mopey let downs. I don't know what I expect from poor Halloween, but it's always something...more. A deeper, more sacred, more meaningful ritual, than, um, just getting wasted. Again. Am I wrong in thinking that we, collectively, yearn for something bigger, and not knowing what to do, leaderless, just default to booze? Every year I fail to find something that feels like the proper recognition of the holiday and get a bit morose about it. Then, of course, I realize what an abject POOP I'm being and feel bad about that too. Ah well. In any case, I sure do love to dress up.
Living in San Francisco, I'm lucky enough to have the post-Halloween prize of Dia de Los Muertos. Fuck yeah. This is such an amazing night...here's a lot of the sacredness and respect that I think Halloween has lost. The whole Mission comes alive with dead people. Candles, flowers, drums, and everyone a variation on the same theme. It's thrilling and vibrates you right to the core, feeling life through feet and skin and hair.
On the art front...ugh it seems I work all day and get nothing done. I'm really hoping that I'll feel "caught up" at least a little soon. Either that, or Hawaii will happen. Too bad, jerk! Didn't think of that, didja? I have a show in a few weeks at Mission Comics. Here's art!
Fox To Be
Oh, and I still want my life to exist in the world of Harry Potter. Just sayin'. That is all.
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