... oh look, it's trent reznor! just kidding. i'm a tad surly and giving way to bad jokes. it's the first day i've had to myself in a while and i'm celebrating by being a mopey-pants. my life is in a lot of limbo recently and i'm not sure when it might STOP... i suppose it's up to me to make it stop as well, which is, of course, not the answer i want. what? take control of my own happiness? inconceivable! of all people i trust to make decisions, i'm the last on the list! alright, enough melodrama, really now.
5thousand is almost done... i have no real process shots of this one as that's something i've just picked up as habit... apologies. Here's a couple sketches and the painting as it stands today though...


this one, like a lot of them, has several levels of dialogue. it's about questions, change, the pain of growth and the pain of waiting for it. the moments of poignancy that make up an experience, and the knife's edge of uncertainty we sometimes linger on; scared to jump and scared not to. it's also about a friend, so while it's a conversation with myself, it's also a conversation with someone else. I like to work with people as subjects and as symbols in my work, and it means so much more to me if i know the face i'm using... when i paint you, i'm talking to you, about you, and, finally, using you to talk about myself. i hope you don't mind.
I don't mind.