Jess's bachelorette party is coming up next month... we've had a running joke about how one of my main duties as a bridesmaid will be to reel her in when she gets inevitably overwhelmed and cranky. This has always theoretically involved lots of pictures of kittens and candy shoved indiscriminately into the blushing bride's face. To make this dream a reality, I'm making her an official Bridal Survival Kit, complete with AWESOME CARRYING BOX. Here's 2 photos of it's progress... I'll keep you posted on the final product and its goodies.

The Unchristened Painting living currently under the working title of Colonization, got a bit of attention this week. It's slow going. Dealing with those buildings should have been fairly simple but for some reason took me a lot of half-aware tedium time. In any case, acrylics are done and I started in on the oils today, which was also a half-aware process as I seem to have a cold or allergies or swine flu or whatever and was pretty dopey. And to make that even more fun, yesterday I inhaled at the wrong moment during fire spinning and singed out most of my nose hairs... turns out that those are important in keeping one's nose from running...

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