...when will i learn that i need to take my camera EVERYWHERE? Everytime i leave without i see more snippets of lovely that needed documenting, and i know my head cannot hold them all without assistance. I just went on a post-dinner run/hop/skip up the hill to the park and back, wearing too-big jeans, buffeted by typical San Francisco gusting and full of springy-air glee. i amused a German tourist with my fancy-dance over the vista of the city, but then he decided i was safe to ask for directions. The sun was cutting over Buena Vista Park, flame outlining the black tree-horizon and splashing the sides of the buildings in gold. Devil-tower stood, proud and majestic, taking on a classic air with gilt edges. The city sprawls before me and i could just eat it all up.
no, i didn't take this. done stole it. was so purty. credit to jim stanley.

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