Sunday, May 10, 2009

beautiful untrue things

My GOD my world is covered in dog hair! It's like she's undergoing a slow explosion.

I'm exhausted. I tried to fit too much progress into one day. I'm really trying to dig into my work as a conversation with myself; a way to think and talk about things visually... talking to myself, yes, but also to the world at large, or at least I hope so. I find talking about my work to be very difficult, which is, as someone trying to work towards making a living as an artist, is pretty fucking detrimental.
"So, what do you paint?"
"ummmm.....people? Birds and stuff?"
It's an incredibly hard question for me! My work is figurative, but I wouldn't label it as portraiture. I don't have a soundbite for it. What is this current, juxtapoz-mag young art style called? Lowbrow doesn't cover it properly anymore. I like to use figures, but they are elements, characters, instruments to convey a feeling or situation. I also am continuing to build my own library of personal symbols; the elements that show up again and again in my stuff. Scarves, wings, stars, hands, etc. Some of these have assigned or static meanings, others just have a sense of weight and significance but no direct translation. Some of it I just aesthetically like, but that's not a very deep reason, so don't tell.

These four are precursors to what I'm working on now. I did these in a frenzy, at the beginning of this latest personal upheaval and artistic push/refocusing. They mark a shift from me trying to be somewhat commercialy viable to saying "fuck it" and coming back around to some personal fundamentals. This is me remembering that I like to draw. This is also me pouring alot of frustration and gut-wrenches out.

Here Again.


Not Listening

Can't Deny Nature

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